How do I use language tags in the email & text templates?

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    How do I use language tags in the email & text templates?

    Last Updated: March 30, 2021

    Language tags can be used to change the email and text message verbiage when requests are sent out in different languages.  Language tags only need to be used if you plan to send review requests in different languages.

    To use language tags, you’ll need to first have the verbiage that you want to send out for each language you expect to utilize.  Once you have that available, you’ll wrap each language text in a language tag that looks like [language]Your verbiage here[/language].  Notice that forward slash at the beginning of the second language tag that signifies the end of the verbiage.  You’ll replace the word ‘language’ noted above with the actual language this text applies to.  Let’s look at an example:

    If I’m going to specify the global email signature in multiple languages, the finished text I have in my editor might look something like this:

    [english]We appreciate your feedback. Thank you, {{business-location}}[/english]
    [spanish]Agradecemos sus comentarios. Gracias, {{business-location}}[/spanish]
    [french]Nous apprécions vos commentaires. Merci, {{business-location}}[/spanish]
    [portuguese]Agradecemos seu feedback. Obrigada, {{business-location}}[/portuguese]

    As you’ll see in the above text, I have each language (English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese) wrapped in tags beginning with the language name and ending with the same language name with a forward slash in front.  If you only plan to send out review requests in English & Spanish, you do not need to specify language tags for the remaining languages.

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