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Easy Milano Reviews

4.44 Rating based on 9 Reviews

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of reviewers would recommend
Easy Milano


Easy Milano has been serving the English speaking community since 1999.



Gentili signori, buon pomeriggio.
Avete pubblicato un articolo sul Italian Real Estate Investment. Niente di puù sbagliato!!!! L’Italia è il Paese peggiore in cui investire, specialmente nel Real Estate. Tasse, soprattasse,, burocrazia…chi più ne ha….Dunque, chi ha scritto l’arrticolo non conosce nè il settore e tantomeno l’Italia. Vedo che voi di Easy Milano non sapete nulla di questo Paese!! Avete l’occhio dello straniero e del turista che sdi lascia fregare!!!

John Frank Hubber

Good information for English speakers,

Carla Lotti

Good info

Nanette Zimitski

Love the articles, and the detailed infrormation, all is very well written.

Roberto Garbero

Great resource since many years!

Response From Easy Milano

Thank you! So happy to hear that Easy Milano has been helpful!


Great work & offerings.
Only complaint is late arrival of info.

Response From Easy Milano

Thank you! To get up to date info, we’d like to invite you to follow us on social media where we send notifications when new articles and events are published.
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Useful & well-presented info.Thanks!

Response From Easy Milano

Thank you!

Steve Frank

A great resource for one of my favorite cities, Milan. Always look forward to getting and reading it.

Response From Easy Milano

Thank you!

Anthony Ryan

I have been using Easy Milano as a resource for over 10 years since I moved to Milan and now I am happy to be part of the team as one of their contributors.

Response From Easy Milano

Thank you, we are so happy you part of our community and team!